New chest before being painted, distressed and glazedNew chest painted, distressed and glazedNew chest painted, distressed and glazedNew chest painted, distressed and glazedNew chest painted, distressed and glazed to look oldCustom made table painted and distressedNew table painted and distressed Painted tablePainted and distressed tableCustom made television cabinetCustom made television cabinetNew cabinet with custom made base painted and glazed to achieve a old, patinated surfaceNew cabinet with custom made base painted and aged Mahogany dining chair painted and distressed. Mahogany dining chairs painted and distressed.Glazed and distressed antique cabinetGlazed and distressed cabinetFaux marble topFaux marble cabinet topCustom wooden top painted in faux black marble and hinged to allow a modern tv to be accessedFaux porphyry bustFaux limestone cabinetsFaux limestone cabinetsPainted Chair UntitledFaux Horn LampRed marble LampAntique chair before repair and reglazingAntique glazed chairAntique paint finishDistressed faux elm cabinet